
Information for clients of the company
In this section we have collected useful information that you might need.
Stock - a subsection where our seasonal special offers, discounts for work and loyality program for regular customers are collected.
News - the latest information about our work: novelties in the portfolio, the life of our employees, interesting information guides from the world of low-rise construction, architecture and interior design
Articles - subdivision in which we share the secrets of our skills and tell in detail how we perform these or other works.
Question – answer - A subsection containing the most frequently asked questions. How much does the house cost, how we work, guarantees and that's it.
Capabilities - a classified section for those who want their site to be more.
Our company regularly participates in exhibitions of housing and communal services and construction exhibitions in Astana, where we tell in detail about the principle of passive house buildings and how we provided the service.